Iranian Red Crescent

Situation Report 1

3 March 2020

The Situation:

The Iranian Ministry of Health reported the first confirmed cases of the coronavirus infections on 19 February 2020 in Qom. Since the beginning of outbreak of virus 77 deaths in Iran with a total of around 1500 infections are reported.

According to the Iranian health authorities, the coronavirus has reached out to 28 provinces in Iran so far. The Iranian Ministry of Health as a leading agency is taking necessary measures to slow down the spread of the coronavirs as well as attending the patients with the positive coronavirus in the hospitals. So far, 22 laboratories have been operating to test the coronavirus all over the country. The numbers are increasing and consequently the demands for sanitizing items such as face masks are rising.

The measures taken by the Iranian Red Crescent Society

The Iranian Red Crescent society as an auxiliary to the Ministry of Healthand National Disaster Management Organization is making great efforts to assist accordance with the policy obtained by the health authorities.

Shortly after the coronavirus outbreak, the IRCS activated EOCs at the IRCS headquarters and branches throughout the country. The first step was to establish a secretariat at the IRCS Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division to centralize the necessary coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and sharing health guidelines as well as prioritizing the measures throughout the IRCS branches based on coordination with the MoH, being a member of the MoH coronavirus task force.

After initial coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and considering the importance of public education, the IRCS focused on public awareness campaign for the people from different walks of life. Online courses on the Coronavirus have been prepared for the public, aiming at educating people with the coronavirs and necessary preventions. This idea has been warmly welcomed by the public. Millions of people have managed to pass the course and receive the certificate. On the other side, necessary information and knowledge has been shared with the public through pamphlets, footage, banners, etc. In addition, some specific courses have been prepared to target some groups who are in close contact with the people in the society such as taxi drivers.

In order to control the possible spread of the virus, it was decided that all staff, volunteers and the clients should be screened at the entrance doors. The people with high fever are restricted and referred to hospitals for medical checkup.

As the number of infectious cases is increasing all over the country, the IRCS took the next step to screen all the passengers at the entrance of the cities in close coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Management Organization. The trained relief and health workers are located at the entrance of the cities with big number of suspected cases for screening. The suspected cases are identified and referred to the hospital for medical checkup.

At the same time,the IRCS volunteers and relief workers in 560 permanent road relief bases and 350 mobile road relief bases are being trained to care for self-protection during rendering relief services and also screen people for the virus.

With the increasing outbreak of the coronavirus, the Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division of the IRCS has made the necessary preparation such as providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the possible intervention. Information sharing and coordination meetings for further preparedness are held on a regular basis.

Considering the scale of the crisis, the IRCS Volunteers Organization has called on volunteers with different health specialties such as physicians and nurses all over the country to assist the Iranian Ministry of Health in identified hospitals as well as participation in helpline (4030) program to keep in touch with people who need advices.

The IRCS Youth Organization has come up with some plans and programs to entertain and render psychological support & services for children who have to stay at home. The programs are accessible through virtual networks. As the fear of the coronavirus is increasing among the families, the needs for the psychosocial support are felt more than any time.

Situation Report 2

18 March 2020


The Iranian Ministry of Health reported the first confirmed cases of the Coronavirus infections on 19 February 2020 in Qom. Since the beginning of outbreak of virus 1135 deaths in Iran with a total of around 17,361 infections are reported, out of said figure 5,389 people recovered.

According to the Iranian health authorities, the coronavirus has reached out to 32 provinces in Iran so far. The Iranian Ministry of Health as a leading agency is taking necessary measures to slow down the spread of the Coronavirus as well as attending the patients with the positive Coronavirus in the hospitals.

The Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) is mandated by the Government to take two main responsibilities based on Disaster management law in any disaster, first rendering rescue and relief at the time of emergency and secondly rendering public education. In this situation the IRCS as an auxiliary to the Ministry of Health and National Disaster Management Organization is making great efforts to assist accordance with the policy obtained by the health authorities.

The IRCS Operation

Shortly after the Coronavirus outbreak, the IRCS activated Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) at the IRCS headquarters and 32 branches throughout the country. The first step was to establish a secretariat at the IRCS Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division to centralize the necessary coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and sharing health guidelines as well as prioritizing the measures throughout the IRCS branches based on coordination with the MoH, being a member of the MoH Coronavirus task force.

After initial coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and considering the importance of public education, the IRCS focused on public awareness campaign for the people from different walks of life. The IRCS started 3 phases for training, firstly for public education, the working group was established to study, translate and provide scientific materials regarding preventive measures to be shared with public. Then the trainees are categorized based on the materials. Different types of trainings such as face to face tracings for health promotion, distribution of pamphlets and brochures, are organized in the public and most populated areas by the IRCS CBHFA trained volunteers with accompany of Health post officers in the areas. Different virtual networks are used for sharing knowledge and information online courses on the Coronavirus have been prepared for the public, aiming at educating people with the coronavirus and necessary preventions. This idea has been warmly welcomed by the public. Millions of people have managed to pass the course and receive the certificate. On the other side, necessary information and knowledge has been shared with the public through pamphlets, footage, banners, etc. In addition, some specific courses have been prepared to target some groups who are in close contact with the people in the society such as taxi drivers as exchanging cash are common and first option for people in Iran. Moreover, some educational materials have been prepared in Arabic and Turkish for our people and our neighboring countries.

Secondly, the educational materials have been provided for the IRCS’s trainers throughout the country. Regular video conferences and virtual meetings for the IRCS branches have been organized to share guidelines and materials. The IRCS, in coordination with Medical Council provided general and specialized training for Corona on line courses for the volunteers and staff. Moreover, the IRCS has called for 2550 physicians, nurses and paramedics to be prepared to response to the people through helpline no.4030 and also to help MoH medical staff.

Flowing Infographic templates, for hygiene promotions, how to use masks, ways of self-immunity and increasing immunity, how to face with suspected cases, how to manage stress of people and how to get news from authentic sources have been prepared and distributed.

• Brochures, posters, infographic (84 programs including 72 cases in Persian and 12 ones in other languages)

• Movie, clip, and motion graphic (28 programs particularly for different walks of life and deaf people society)

• Information sharing and publication of training contexts:

Visiting social webs: 38,900,000 people

Visiting training site as 17,025,000 people

Attending Corona test as test. 6,700,000

388,165 of people, 8,380 volunteers, 2,777 staff and 1,269 trainers have passed and line course of coronavirus.

In order to control the possible spread of the virus, it is decided that all IRCS staff, volunteers and the clients should be screened at the entrance doors of the IRCS buildings. The people with high fever are restricted and referred to hospitals for medical check-up.

As the number of infected cases is increasing all over the country, the IRCS took the next step to screen all the passengers at the entrance of the cities using thermal imager and gown thermometers, in close coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Management Organization. The trained relief and health workers are located at the entrance of 32 provinces with numbers of suspected cases for initial screening with temperaturemeasurements and second screening with interview of passengers. The suspected cases are identified and referred to the hospital for medical check-up by the ambulances of Medical Emergency.

By 17th March 2020; totally 4,496,776 people have successfully been screened out of whom 3,477 were referred to clinical centers for further examinations.

It should be mentioned that 3,543 personnel and 13,544 volunteers of the Iranian RC actively are taking part in a big attempt for the aforesaid operation jointly. On the other side, logistically 732 ambulances with 804 pick up along with 514 light vehicles were used in said operation.

The IRCS’s Noor Afshar hospital with 200 beds has been allocated to Corona cases in which 44 cases are bedridden.

With mounting the number of suspected cases, the IRCS took responsibility of Medical shelter with 2600 beds in the six provinces which has high numbers of cases for isolating people who needs to be taking care of in recovery phase of disease.

Following is brief explanation about the medical shelters:

– Isfahan province with 1 medical shelter and capacity of 500 beds

– Qom province with 1 medical shelter and capacity of 600beds in which 59 cases have been hospitalized.

– Golestan province with 1 medical shelter and capacity of 200bedsin which 12 cases has been hospitalized.

– Gilan province is planning to establish medical shelter.

– Mazandaran is planning to establish medical shelter.

The IRCS Volunteer Organization organized 3 meetings with 20 NGOs to coordinate their activities at this juncture. The IRCS with participation of 15 NGOs and 500 volunteers selected one of the most vulnerable districts in Tehran with 25,000 populations and trained them and distributed health kits among them. The organization also prepared health text and materials to be used for the deaf and the disabled through National media in coordination with Ministry of Education. Moreover, 50,000 food parcels and 32,000 hygiene kits have been distributed among the most vulnerable and pregnant women. The volunteers disinfected district no. 22 with 100 volunteers. The IRCS volunteers distributed 4,000 hygiene kits among chemical affected veteran in West part of the country. 9000 shoes cover have been distributed among the hospitals.

With the increasing outbreak of the Coronavirus, the Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division of the IRCS has made the necessary preparation such as providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the possible intervention. Information sharing and coordination meetings for further preparedness are held on a regular basis. The IRCS has distributed personnel protection equipment including different types of masks, latex gloves, face shield, anti-septic gel, nylon gloves and etc, for volunteers in IRCS‘s road relief bases, IRCS Drugstores and IRCS Health and rehabilitation centers thought the country for one month consume.

Considering the scale of the crisis, the IRCS Volunteer Organization has called on volunteers with different health specialties such as physicians and nurses all over the country to assist the Iranian Ministry of Health in identified hospitals as well as participation in helpline (4030) program 24/7 to provide paramedic and medical information and keep in touch with people who need advices.

The IRCS Youth Organization has come up with some plans and programs to entertain and render psychological support & services for children who have to stay at home. The programs are accessible through virtual networks and also Dial- A – Story service at no. 021 6427 to cite stories with humanitarian themes for kits and children aged 4- 12. There are also photography completions for children with themes of humanitarian activities during their stay at home to be emailed to the IRCS.

As the fear of the Coronavirus is increasing among the families, the needs for the psychosocial support are felt more than any time.

The IRCS started to disinfect relief vehicles, ambulances and road relief bases throughout the country. Online self-assessment test has been launched for volunteers and staff of the IRCS in coordination with Medical council to help them to be aware of their healthy and warn them if they are needed to refer to the doctor.

Outstanding needs

Please refer to the needs specified in tables as per attached.

External relations – Government/UN/NGOs/Media

Ministry of Health is responsible for the treatment operation and the IRCS is coordinating its activities based on existing needs and protocols. The IRCS is in close contact with IFRC and ICRC to receive contribution in this regard.

Situation Report 3

22 March 2020


The Iranian Ministry of Health reported the first confirmed cases of the Coronavirus infections on 19 February 2020 in Qom. According to updates from the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, a number of 1,685 deaths in Iran with a total of 21,638 infections are reported, out of said figure 7,913 people recovered since the beginning of outbreak of virus in Iran.

The IRCS is making great efforts to assist in government response accordance with the policy obtained by the health authorities.

The IRCS operation

Shortly after the Coronavirus outbreak, the IRCS activated Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) at the IRCS Headquarters and 32 branches throughout the country.

The first step was to establish a Secretariat at IRCS Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division to centralize the necessary coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and sharing health guidelines as well as prioritizing the measures throughout the IRCS branches based on coordination with the MoH, being a member of the MoH Coronavirus Task Force.

After initial coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and considering the importance of public education, the IRCS focused on public awareness campaign for the people from different walks of life. The IRCS started three phases for training. Firstly, it was for public education. The working group was established to study, translate and provide scientific materials regarding preventive measures to be shared with public.

Then the trainees are categorized based on the materials. Different types of trainings such as face to face trainings for health promotion, distribution of pamphlets and brochures are organized in the public and most populated areas by the IRCS CBHFA trained volunteers with accompany of health post officers in the areas. Different virtual networks are used for sharing knowledge and information online courses on the Coronavirus have been prepared for the public, aiming at educating people with the coronavirus and necessary preventions.

This idea has been warmly welcomed by the public. Millions of people have managed to pass the course and receive the certificate. On the other side, necessary information and knowledge has been shared with the public through pamphlets, footage, banners, etc. In addition, some specific courses have been prepared to target some groups who are in close contact with the people in the society such as taxi drivers as exchanging cash are common and first option for people in Iran. Moreover, some educational materials have been prepared in Arabic and Turkish for other nationalities and neighboring countries.

Secondly, the educational materials have been provided for the IRCS’s trainers throughout the country. Regular video conferences and virtual meetings for the IRCS branches have been organized to share guidelines and materials. The IRCS, in coordination with Medical Council provided general and specialized training for Corona online courses for the volunteers and staff. Moreover, the IRCS has called for 2550 physicians, nurses and paramedics to be prepared to response to the people through helpline No. 4030 and also to help MoH medical staff.

Flowing Infographic templates for hygiene promotions, ways on how to use masks, how to face with suspected cases, how to manage stress of people, how to get news from authentic sources and ways of self-immunity and increasing immunity have been prepared and distributed.

• Brochures, posters, info graphic (116 pages in Persian and other languages)

• Movie, clip, and motion graphic (46 programs have been produced particularly for different walks of life and deaf people y) Also, 6 educational documentation videos have been produced.

• Information sharing and publication of training contexts include:

Visiting social webs: 40,960,000 people

Visiting training site as 18,010,000 people

Attending Corona test “test.”: 8,140,000

Sending SMS: 25,000,000

In addition, 420,252 people, 8,926 volunteers, and 2,821 staff 1,319 trainers have passed online course of coronavirus.

In order to control the possible spread of the virus, it is decided that all IRCS staff, volunteers and the clients should be screened at the entrance doors of the IRCS buildings. The people with high fever are restricted and referred to hospitals for medical check-up.

As the number of infected cases is increasing all over the country, the IRCS took the next step to screen all the passengers at the entrance of the cities using thermal imager and gown thermometers, in close coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Management Organization. The trained relief and health workers are located at the entrance of 32 provinces with numbers of suspected cases for initial screening with temperature measurements and second screening with interview of passengers. The suspected cases are identified and referred to the hospital for medical check-up by the ambulances of Medical Emergency.

By March 22nd, 2020, around 8,678,808 people and passengers of 2,888,392 cars have been screened out of whom 6,464 were referred to clinical centers for further examinations.

It should be mentioned that 6,283 personnel and 24,953 volunteers of the Iranian Red Crescent are actively taking part in a big attempt for the aforesaid operation. On the other side, logistically 732 ambulances with 804 pick up along with 514 light vehicles were used in said operation.

The IRCS’s Noor Afshar hospital with 200 beds has been allocated to Corona cases in which 45 cases are bedridden.

With mounting the number of suspected cases, the IRCS took responsibility of medical shelter with 2600 beds in seven provinces which have high numbers of cases for isolating people.

Following is brief explanation about the medical shelters:

– Isfahan province with 1 medical shelter and capacity of 500 beds in which 2 cases have been hospitalized.

– Qom province with 1 medical shelter and capacity of 600 beds in which 104 cases have been hospitalized, 9 patients referred to hospitals and 48 are discharged.

– Golestan province with 1 medical shelter and capacity of 200 beds in which 51 cases have been hospitalized, 5 patients referred to hospitals and 22 are discharged.

– Qazvin province with 1 medical shelter in which 6 cases have been hospitalized and 5 are discharged.

– Tehran, Gilan and Mazandaran provinces are planning to establish medical shelter.

The IRCS Volunteer Organization organized NGOs to coordinate their activities and support the hospitals and health centers logistically and human resource wise. The IRCS with participation of NGOs and its volunteers selected 460 of the vulnerable and deprived districts in the country and implemented health programs to help people to be prevented from coronavirus. The organization also prepared health text and materials to be used for the deaf and the disabled through national media in coordination with Ministry of Education. Moreover, 50,000 food parcels and 93,827 hygiene kits have been distributed among the most vulnerable and pregnant women.

The IRCS volunteers disinfected 2,750 streets and avenues for about10, 227 km, 982 public transportation, 17 prisons, and 21 night dormitories for homeless, 1,562 mosques and 1,216 other public places across the country.

The IRCS volunteers also distributed 4,000 hygiene kits among chemical affected veteran in West part of the country. 9000 shoes cover have been distributed among the hospitals.

With the increasing outbreak of the Coronavirus, the Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division of the IRCS has made the necessary preparation such as providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the possible intervention. Information sharing and coordination meetings for further preparedness are held on a regular basis. The IRCS has distributed personnel protection equipment including different types of 166,770 of 3-layer masks, 28,140 N95 Masks, 107,200 latex gloves, 13,771 bags, 24,505 anti-septic gel, 1,200 hospital gowns and 6,687 relief gowns for volunteers in IRCS‘s road relief bases, IRCS Drugstores and IRCS health and rehabilitation centers thought the 30 provinces of the country for one month consume.

Considering the scale of the crisis, the IRCS Volunteer Organization has called on volunteers with different health specialties such as physicians and nurses all over the country to assist the Iranian Ministry of Health in identified hospitals as well as participation in helpline (4030) program 24/7 to provide paramedic and medical information and keep in touch with people who need advices.

The IRCS Youth Organization has come up with some plans and programs to entertain and render psychological support and services for children who have to stay at home. The programs are accessible through virtual networks and also Dial- A – Story service at no. 021 6427 to cite stories with humanitarian themes for kits and children aged 4- 12. There are also photography completions for children with themes of humanitarian activities during their stay at home to be emailed to the IRCS.

As the fear of the Coronavirus is increasing among the families, the needs for the psychosocial support are felt more than any time.

A number of 10,622 beneficiaries benefitted from the IRCS Youth Organization’s campaigns and programs up to now. About 3,323 IRCS team members have provided psychosocial support services to 400,352 beneficiaries through 661 teams.

The IRCS started to disinfect relief vehicles, ambulances and road relief bases throughout the country. Online self-assessment test has been launched for volunteers and staff of the IRCS in coordination with Medical Council to help them be aware of their healthy and warn them if they are needed to refer to the doctor.

Outstanding needs

Please refer to the needs specified in tables as per attached.

External relations – Government/UN/NGOs/Media

Ministry of Health is responsible for the treatment operation and the IRCS is coordinating its activities based on existing needs and protocols. The IRCS is in close contact with IFRC and ICRC to receive contribution in this regard.

Situation Report 4

29 March 2020


Based on the reports from the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education the coronavirus disease has left 2,640 deaths with the total of 38,309 infections so far, out of the said figure 12,391 people have been recovered since the beginning of outbreak of virus in Iran.

The IRCS is making great efforts to assist government response accordance with the policy obtained by the health authorities.

The IRCS operation

Shortly after the Coronavirus outbreak, the IRCS as a member of the MoH Coronavirus Task Force activated Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) at the IRCS Headquarters and 32 branches throughout the country.

After initial coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and considering the importance of public education, the IRCS focused on public awareness campaign for the people from different walks of life. The IRCS started different phases of training for public education aiming at educating people with the coronavirus and necessary preventions as well as the educational materials have been provided for the IRCS’s trainers throughout the country. Regular video conferences and virtual meetings for IRCS branches have been organized to share guidelines and materials. The IRCS, in coordination with Medical Council, provided general and specialized trainings on Corona online courses for volunteers and staff. The educational activities of IRCS include:

Brochures, posters, info graphic (922 pages in Persian and other languages)

Movie, clip, and motion graphic (286 programs have been produced particularly for different walks of life and deaf people y) Also, 8 educational documentation videos have been produced.

Information sharing and publication of training contexts include:

Visiting social webs: 48,760,000 people

Visiting training site as 18,308,000 people

Attending Corona test “”: 10,015,000

Sending SMS: 26,410,000

In addition, 620,635 people, 38,972 volunteers, 14,195 staff and 6,350 trainers have passed online course of coronavirus. In order to control the possible spread of the virus, it is decided that all IRCS staff, volunteers and the clients should be screened at the entrance doors of the IRCS buildings. The people with high fever are restricted and referred to hospitals for medical check-up.

As the number of infected cases is increasing all over the country, the IRCS took the next step to screen all the passengers at the entrance of the cities using thermal imager and gown thermometers, in close coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and the National Disaster Management Organization. The trained relief and health workers are located at the entrance of 32 provinces with numbers of suspected cases for initial screening with temperature measurements and second screening with interview of passengers. The suspected cases are identified and referred to the hospital for medical check-up by the ambulances of Medical Emergency.

By March 29th, 2020, around 17,573,010 people and passengers of 6,072,453 cars have been screened out of whom 13,574 were referred to clinical centers for further examinations. It should be mentioned that 12,703 personnel and 57,515 volunteers of the Iranian Red Crescent are actively taking part in a big attempt for the aforesaid operation. On the other side, logistically 732 ambulances with 804 pick up along with 514 light vehicles were used in said operation.

The IRCS’s Noor Afshar hospital with 200 beds has been allocated to Corona cases in which 45 cases are bedridden. With mounting the number of suspected cases, the IRCS took responsibility of medical shelter with 2600 beds in seven provinces which have high numbers of cases for isolating people. Following is brief explanation about the medical shelters:

– Isfahan province with 1 medical shelter working with 58 staff and capacity of 500 beds in which 63 cases have been hospitalized and 4 are discharged.

– Qom province with 1 medical shelter working with 39 staff and capacity of 700 beds in which 146 cases have been hospitalized, 19 patients referred to hospitals and 95 are discharged.

– Golestan province with 1 medical shelter working with 19 staff and capacity of 200 beds in which 67 cases have been hospitalized, 6 patients referred to hospitals and 58 are discharged.

– Qazvin province with 1 medical shelter working with 33 staff and capacity of 100 beds in which 20 cases have been hospitalized and 9 are discharged.

– Tehran, Gilan and Mazandaran provinces are planning to establish medical shelter.

– No death has been reported from the IRCS medical shelters.

The IRCS Volunteer Organization organized 26 NGOs to coordinate their activities and support the hospitals and health centers logistically and human resource wise. The IRCS with participation of NGOs and its volunteers selected 460 of the vulnerable and deprived districts in the country and implemented health programs to help people to be prevented from coronavirus. The organization also prepared health text and materials to be used for the deaf and the disabled through national media in coordination with Ministry of Education. Moreover, 50,000 food parcels and 93,827 hygiene kits have been distributed among the most vulnerable and pregnant women.

The IRCS volunteers donated 1,350 units of blood and disinfected 74,000 streets and avenues, 2,413 public transportation, as well as 10,859 public places including 26 prisons, 36 night dormitories for homeless, 2,179 mosques and 8,618 other places across the country.

Furthermore, the IRCS Volunteer Organization has sent 1,753,000 short health messages and distributed 389,000 brochures and pamphlets amongst the general public to raise awareness.

Considering the scale of the crisis, the IRCS Volunteer Organization has also called on volunteers with different health specialties such as physicians and nurses all over the country to assist the Iranian Ministry of Health in identified hospitals as well as participation in helpline (4030) program 24/7 to provide paramedic and medical information and keep in touch with people who need advices.

Iran Helal Textile Industries affiliated to the Iranian Red Crescent started to produce three-layer protective masks to help the IRCS operation.

The Iranian Red Crescent has also launched a production line to produce antiseptic lotion for hand and surfaces according to the formulation recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The IRCS Medical Procurement Organization is producing the lotions with the capacity of 10,000 liters.

The IRCS has distributed personnel protection equipment including different types of 168,770 of 3-layer masks, 28,140 N95 Masks, 108,200 latex gloves, 14,049 bags, 24,629 anti-septic gel, 395 thermometers, 1,200 hospital gowns and 6,687 normal gowns for volunteers in IRCS‘s road relief bases, IRCS drugstores and IRCS health and rehabilitation centers thought the provinces of the country for one month consume. The IRCS volunteers also distributed 4,000 hygiene kits among chemical affected veteran in west part of the country.

The IRCS Youth Organization has come up with some plans and programs to entertain and render psychological support and services for children who have to stay at home. The programs are accessible through virtual networks and also Dial- A – Story service at no. 021 6427 to cite stories with humanitarian themes for kits and children aged 4- 12. There are also photography completions for children with themes of humanitarian activities during their stay at home to be emailed to the IRCS.

As the fear of the coronavirus is increasing amongst the families, the needs for the psychosocial support are felt more than any time. A number of 53,075 beneficiaries benefited from the IRCS Youth Organization’s campaigns and programs up to now. About 11,081 IRCS team members have provided psychosocial support services to 1,468,159 beneficiaries through 2,438 teams.

The IRCS started to disinfect relief vehicles, ambulances and road relief bases throughout the country. Online self-assessment test has been launched for volunteers and staff of the IRCS in coordination with Medical Council to help them be aware of their healthy and warn them if they are needed to refer to the doctor.

Outstanding needs

Please refer to the needs specified in tables as per attached.

External relations – Government/UN/NGOs/Media,

Ministry of Health is responsible for the treatment operation and the IRCS is coordinating its activities based on existing needs and protocols. The IRCS is in close contact with IFRC and ICRC to receive contribution in this regard.

The International Affairs and IHL Division of the Iranian Red Crescent is coordinating international activities and donations for more effective response based on the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Chinese RC have dispatched health and medical consignments and in coordination with the IRCS, the consignments have been handed over to the MoH and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Japanese government through International Federation have pledged to assist the IRCS response operations. Also 24 humanitarian air cargos have been received at Tehran airport including various masks, latex gloves, anti-septic gel, thermometers, hospital gowns and etc, so far.

Situation Report 5

7th April 2020


The Iranian Ministry of Health is severely engaged in the response operation for Coronavirus. According to updates from the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, a number of 3,739 deaths with a total of 60,500 infections are reported in Iran, out of whom 24,236 people have been recovered since the beginning of outbreak of virus in Iran.

The IRCS is mobilizing its resources to assist government based on National Disaster Law and with the policy obtained by the health authorities.

The IRCS operation

The IRCS is a member of the MoH Coronavirus Task Force and through the establishment of secretariats in all 32 IRCS branches throughout the country, share the policy and response plan related to the corona virus operation obtained from the Task Force.

The IRCS focused on public awareness campaign for the people from different walks of life. The IRCS continues for having different phases of training for public education aiming at educating people with the coronavirus and providing educational materials for the IRCS’s trainers throughout the country. The IRCS, in coordination with Medical Council, provides general and specialized trainings on Corona online courses for volunteers and staff. The educational activities of IRCS include:

– Brochures, posters, info graphic (1,681 pages in Persian and other languages)

– Movie, clip, and motion graphic (522 programs have been produced particularly for different walks of life and deaf people y) Also, 8 educational documentation videos have been produced.

Information sharing and publication of training contexts include:

– Visiting social webs: 57,580,000 people

– Visiting training site as 18,564,000 people

– Attending Corona test “”: 10,147,000

– Short messages: 27,110,000

In addition, 817,767 people, 65,417 volunteers, and 28,023 staff 11,839 trainers have passed online course of corona virus.

Since 28 February 2020, the trained relief and health workers of the IRCS were located at the entrance of all provinces screening all passengers. The suspected cases were identified and referred to the hospital for medical check-up by the ambulances of Medical Emergency. About 21,387,742 people and passengers of 7,618,986 cars have been screened out of whom 14,288 were referred to clinical centers for further examinations. It should be mentioned that 12,703 personnel and 57,515 volunteers of the Iranian Red Crescent were actively taking part in a big attempt for the aforesaid operation. However, due to the new situation and banning and restrictions for travelling among cities the IRCS reduced its activities for screening people in the entrance of the cities since April 2nd.

The IRCS’s Noor Afshar hospital has been allocated to Corona virus cases in which 413 cases are bedridden and 307 cases received in the outpatient section.

Since the outbreak of virus in the country, the IRCS took responsibility of medical shelter. Following is brief update about the medical shelters:

– Isfahan province with 1 medical shelter working with 34 staff and capacity of 500 beds in which 149 cases have been hospitalized, 9 patients referred to hospitals and 50 are discharged.

– Qom province with 1 medical shelter working with 28 staff and capacity of 700 beds in which 230 cases have been hospitalized, 27 patients referred to hospitals and 145 are discharged.

– Golestan province with 1 medical shelter working with capacity of 200 beds in which 68 cases have been hospitalized, 6 patients referred to hospitals and 62 are discharged.

– Qazvin province with 1 medical shelter working with 38 staff and capacity of 100 beds in which 34 cases have been hospitalized and 12 are discharged.

– Tehran, Gilan and Mazandaran provinces are planning to establish medical shelter.

– No death has been reported from the IRCS medical shelters.

The IRCS Volunteer Organization distributed 50,000 food parcels and 93,827 hygiene kits among the most vulnerable. Also 1,000 food parcels have been distributed among most vulnerable people in Kurdistan province by the IRCS.

The IRCS volunteers donated 1,350 units of blood and disinfected 78,000 streets and avenues, 20,597 public transportation, as well as 10,511 public places including 27 prisons, 37 night dormitories for homeless, 3,000 mosques and 10,147 other places across the country. For the purpose, the volunteers have used 398,295 liters of disinfection liquids.

The IRCS Volunteer Organization has sent 1,870,000 short messages and distributed 477,000 brochures and pamphlets amongst the public to raise awareness.

The IRCS has distributed personnel protection equipment including different types of 302,540 of 3-layer masks, 28,560 N95 Masks, 340,200 latex gloves, 14,794 bags, 31,726 anti-septic gel, 444 infrared thermometers, 1,200 hospital gowns and 7,037 relief gowns for volunteers in IRCS‘s road relief bases, IRCS drugstores and IRCS health and rehabilitation centers thought the provinces of the country for one month consume.

The IRCS Youth Organization programs to entertain and render psychological support and services for children continues through virtual networks and also Dial- A – Story service at no. 021 6427 for citing stories with humanitarian themes.

98,987 beneficiaries benefited from the IRCS Youth Organization’s campaigns and programs up to now. About 15,567 IRCS team members have provided psychosocial support services to 2,032,662 beneficiaries through 5,148 teams.

Furthermore, the IRCS is planning to meet the needs of most vulnerable people in this situation. Hence, in coordination with MoH and Medical universities, about 500,000 special patients like patients with hemophilia, patients on dialysis and chemotherapy have been screened to receive health kits including masks and antiseptic lotions at the first stage. Although, the IRCS is looking for resource to implement livelihood project such as cash distribution and distribution of food parcels among them at the nest stage to alleviate their sufferings and meet their basic needs.

Outstanding needs

Please refer to the needs specified in tables as per attached.

External relations – Government/UN/NGOs/Media

Ministry of Health is responsible for the treatment operation and the IRCS is coordinating its activities based on existing needs and protocols. The IRCS is in close contact with IFRC and ICRC to receive contribution in this regard.

The International Affairs and IHL Division of the Iranian Red Crescent is coordinating and following up the various and international activities and donations for more effective response based on the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Up to now, USD 200,000 from Pakistan charity, USD 992,977 from the Japanese government, USD 4,000,000 from WFP and CHF 500,000 from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been pledged to assist the IRCS response operation.

Also 46 humanitarian air cargos have been received at Tehran airport including various masks, latex gloves, anti-septic gel, infrared thermometers, hospital gowns and etc.

Situation Report 6

14 April 2020


The number of confirmed cases in Iran is 73,303 while the death toll is 4,585 and over 45,983 have recovered so far, according to data compiled by the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

The IRCS is making great efforts to assist in government response accordance with the policy obtained by the health authorities.

The IRCS Response Operation

Shortly after the Coronavirus outbreak, the IRCS as a member of the MoH Coronavirus Task Force activated Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) at the IRCS Headquarters and 32 branches throughout the country.

In coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and considering the importance of public education, the IRCS is still focusing on public awareness campaign for the people from different walks of life. The IRCS has continued different phases of training for public education aiming at educating people with the coronavirus and necessary preventive measures as well as the updating educational materials for the IRCS’s trainers throughout the country. Regular video conferences and virtual meetings for IRCS branches have been organized to share guidelines and materials. The IRCS, in coordination with Medical Council, provided general and specialized trainings on Corona online courses for volunteers and staff. The educational activities of IRCS include:

Brochures, posters, info graphic (2,204 pages in Persian and other languages)

Movie, clip, and motion graphic (697 programs have been produced particularly for different walks of life and deaf people y) Also, 11 educational documentation videos have been produced.

Information sharing and publication of training contexts include:

Visiting social webs: 64,180,000 people

Visiting training site as 18,793,000 people

Attending Corona test “”: 10,205,500

Sending SMS: 27,610,000

In addition, 986,795 people, 65,417 volunteers, 39,039 staff and 15,348 trainers have passed online course of coronavirus.

In coordination with MoH and NDMO, the IRCS stopped screening people on 2 April 2020. The IRCS’ Noor Afshar hospital has been allocated to coronavirus cases. Out of 874 cases, 438 are still bed ridden, 381discharged and 55 dead.

Since the outbreak of virus in the country, the IRCS took responsibility of medical shelter for post recovery. Following is brief update about the medical shelters:

Isfahan province with 1 medical shelter working with 52 staff and capacity of 500 beds in which 207 cases have been hospitalized, 13 patients resent to the hospitals and 150 discharged. 

Qom province with 1 medical shelter working with 23 staff and capacity of 700 beds in which 249 cases have been hospitalized, 31 patients resent to the hospitals and 189 discharged. 

Qazvin province with 1 medical shelter working with 37 staff and capacity of 100 beds in which 42 cases have been hospitalized, 1 patient resent to the hospitals and 29 discharged.

Golestan province with 1 medical shelter working with capacity of 200 beds in which 68 cases have been hospitalized 6 patients resent to the hospitals and 62 discharged.

Zanjan province – Zanjan City with 1 medical shelter working with 25 staff and capacity of 73 beds in which 12 cases have been hospitalized and 1 discharged.

Zanjan province – Abhar City with 1 medical shelter working with 16 staff and capacity of 100 beds in which 22 cases have been hospitalized and 1 discharged.

Tehran, Gilan and Mazandaran provinces will stay on standby to establish medical shelter.

No death has been reported from the IRCS medical shelters.

The IRCS Volunteer Organization distributed 50,000 food parcels and 130,756 hygiene kits among the most vulnerable. Also 1,000 food parcels have been distributed among most vulnerable people in Kurdistan province by the IRCS.

1,350 volunteers of the IRCS donated blood and disinfected 92,000 streets and avenues, 41,661 public transportation buses, as well as 23,371 public places including 38 prisons, 90 night dormitories for homeless, 2,814 mosques and 20,249 other places across the country.

For the purpose, the volunteers have used 5,375,708 liters of disinfection liquids. Furthermore, the IRCS Volunteer Organization has sent 2,996,000 SMSs and distributed 522,000 brochures and pamphlets amongst the general public to raise awareness.

Iran Helal Textile Industries affiliated to the Iranian Red Crescent is producing protective masks to fight the coronavirus spread in the country to protect people against lung infections and communicable diseases.

The Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division of the IRCS is providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for its volunteers and staff. Information sharing and coordination meetings for further preparedness are held on a regular basis.

The IRCS has distributed personnel protection equipment including different types of 420,090 of 3-layer masks, 28,560 N95 Masks, 402,200 gloves, 14,794 bags, 32,728 anti-septic gel, 444 thermometers, 1,200 hospital gowns and 7,037 relief gowns for volunteers in IRCS‘s road relief bases, medical shelters, drugstores and health and rehabilitation centers thought the provinces of the country for one month consume.

The IRCS Youth Organization continues its plan to entertain and render psychological support and services for children who have to stay at home. The programs are accessible through virtual networks and also Dial- A – Story service at no. 021 6427 to cite stories with humanitarian themes for kits and children aged 4- 12. There are also photography completions for children with themes of humanitarian activities during their stay at home to be emailed to the IRCS.

A number of 143,945 beneficiaries benefited from the Youth Organization’s campaigns and programs up to now. About 17,029 IRCS team members have provided psychosocial support services to 2,381,450 beneficiaries through 5,741 teams.

Furthermore, the IRCS is planning to meet the needs of most vulnerable people in this situation. Hence, in coordination with MoH and Medical universities, about 500,000 special patients like patients with hemophilia, patients on dialysis and chemotherapy have been screened to receive health kits including masks and antiseptic lotions at the first stage. Although, the IRCS is looking for resource to implement livelihood project such as cash distribution and distribution of food parcels among them at the next stage to alleviate their sufferings and meet their basic needs.

Outstanding needs

Please refer to the needs specified in tables as per attached.

External relations – Government/UN/NGOs/Media

Ministry of Health is responsible for the treatment operation and the IRCS is coordinating its activities based on existing needs and protocols. The IRCS is in close contact with IFRC and ICRC to receive contribution in this regard.

The International Affairs and IHL Division of the Iranian Red Crescent is coordinating and following up the various and international activities and donations for more effective response based on the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Up to now, USD 200,000 from public donation, USD 1,000,000 from the Japanese government and Euro 500,000 from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been pledged to assist the IRCS response operations. WFP has procured and sent 470,000 masks to be handed over to the IRCS and pledged to provide 200,000 more masks and 370,000 gowns. About 85 humanitarian air cargos have been received at Tehran airport including various masks, latex gloves, anti-septic gel, thermometers, hospital gowns from Chinese RC, Relief International and other NGOs.

Situation Report 7

26 April 2020


Since the novel Coronavirus emerged in 2019, almost all countries across the world reported Coronavirus outbreak (COVID19). According to data from the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, the identified cases in Iran are 89,328 while the death toll is 5,650 and 68,193 are recovered so far.

Ministry of Health is responsible for the treatment operation and the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) is coordinating its activities based on existing needs and protocols. The IRCS is scaling up their preparedness and response within the country and is still making efforts to assist government response in accordance with the policy obtained by the health authorities.

Response from Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS)

IRCS activated Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) at the IRCS Headquarters and 32 branches throughout the country. The secretariat has been established at IRCS Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division to centralize the necessary coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and sharing health guidelines as well as prioritizing the measures throughout the IRCS branches based on coordination with the MoH.

Community Engagement and Communication

In coordination with the Iranian Ministry of Health and considering the importance of public education, the IRCS is focusing on public awareness campaign for the people from different walks of life. The IRCS has continued different phases of training for public education aiming at educating people with the coronavirus and necessary preventive measures as well as the updating educational materials for the IRCS’s trainers throughout the country. Regular video conferences and virtual meetings for IRCS branches have been organized to share guidelines and materials. The IRCS, in coordination with Medical Council, provided general and specialized trainings on Corona online courses for volunteers and staff.

The educational activities of IRCS include:

Brochures, posters, info graphic (2,600 pages in Persian and other languages)

Movie, clip, and motion graphic (800 programs have been produced particularly for different walks of life and deaf people y) Also, 15 educational documentation videos have been produced.

Information sharing and publication of training contexts include:

Visiting social webs: 69,000,000 people

Visiting training site as 20,000,000 people

Attending Corona test “”: 11,000,000

Sending SMS: 28,000,000

In addition, 1,200,000 people, 72,000 volunteers, 50,000 staff and 19,000 trainers have passed online course of coronavirus.

In Iran, the Iranian Red Crescent Society is working closely with the health authorities to educate the public about this virus and to share prevention information both online and offline.

Health and Care

As immediate measure being taken after coronavirus outbreak, the Iranian Red Crescent Noor Afshar hospital is assigned to admit coronavirus patients. In total, 1,100 patients resent to the hospital, 862 cases of infected people are reported, 395 people have recovered from the disease, 460 persons have been hospitalized, 402 patients have received OPD services and 65 have lost their lives so far. The IRCS took responsibility of medical shelter for post recovery. Following is brief update about the medical shelters:

Qom province with 1 medical shelter working with capacity of 700 beds in which 251 cases have been hospitalized, 31 patients resent to the hospitals and 220 discharged. 

Qazvin province with 1 medical shelter working with 35 staff and capacity of 100 beds in which 51 cases have been hospitalized, 2 patients resent to the hospitals and 36 discharged.

Golestan with 1 medical shelter working with capacity of 200 beds in which 68 cases have been hospitalized 6 patients resent to the hospitals and 62 discharged.

Isfahan province with 1 medical shelter working with 18 staff and capacity of 500 beds in which 210 cases have been hospitalized, 14 patients resent to the hospitals and 196 discharged. 

Zanjan province – Zanjan City with 1 medical shelter working with 25 staff and capacity of 73 beds in which 32 cases have been hospitalized 1 patient resent to the hospital and 12 discharged.

Zanjan province – Abhar City with 1 medical shelter working with 18 staff and capacity of 100 beds in which 35 cases have been hospitalized 3 patients resent to the hospitals and 10 discharged.

Tehran, Gilan and Mazandaran provinces are still on standby to establish medical shelter.

No death has been reported from the IRCS medical shelters.

WASH and Voluntary Actions

By using public donations, the IRCS Volunteers Organization distributed 50,000 food parcels and 154,000 hygiene kits amongst the most vulnerable. Also 1,000 food parcels have been distributed among most vulnerable people in Kurdistan province by the IRCS. 1,350 volunteers donated blood for the benefit of the patients in hospitals.

Volunteers of the IRCS disinfected 92,000 streets and avenues, 43,017 public transportation buses, as well as 26,263 public places including 38 prisons, 90 night dormitories for homeless, 2,879 mosques and 23,256 other places across the country. For the purpose, the volunteers have used 5,385,589 liters of disinfectant lotions.

Iran Helal Textile Industries affiliated to the Iranian Red Crescent is producing protective masks to fight the coronavirus spread in the country to protect people against lung infections and communicable diseases. The Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation Division of the IRCS are providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for its volunteers and staff. Information sharing and coordination meetings for further preparedness are held on a regular basis.

The IRCS has distributed personnel protection equipment including different types of 441,300 gloves, 448,540 of 3-layer masks, 28,860 N95 masks, 14,794 bags, 33,142 anti-septic gel, 444 thermometers, 1,250 hospital gowns and 7,137 relief gowns for volunteers in IRCS‘s road relief bases, medical shelters, drugstores and health and rehabilitation centers thought the provinces of the country for one month consume.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

The IRCS Youth Organization continues its plan to entertain and render psychological support and services for children who have to stay at home. The programs are accessible through virtual networks and also Dial- A – Story service at no. 021 6427 to cite stories with humanitarian themes for kits and children aged 4- 12. There are also photography completions for children with themes of humanitarian activities during their stay at home to be emailed to the IRCS.

A number of 187,553 beneficiaries benefited from the Youth Organization’s campaigns and programs up to now. About 19,138 IRCS team members have provided psychosocial support services to 3,067,366 beneficiaries through 6,503 teams.

International Relations

The International Affairs and IHL Division of the Iranian Red Crescent is coordinating and following up the various and international activities and donations for more effective response based on the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Up to now, USD 200,000 from public donation, USD 1,000,000 from the Japanese government and CHF 500,000 from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been pledged to assist the IRCS response operations. About 110 humanitarian air cargos have been received at Tehran airport, including various masks, latex gloves, anti-septic gel, thermometers, hospital gowns from National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Relief International, NGOs and Iranian citizen in abroad. The IRCS is in close contact with IFRC and ICRC to receive humanitarian contributions.

World Food Program (WFP) has allocated USD 4 million for purchase of N95 masks, surgery masks. 370,000 surgery masks and 170,000 N95 masks have been arrived. The other parts will be dispatched to Iran soon.

Outstanding Needs

Furthermore, the IRCS is planning to meet the needs of most vulnerable people in this situation. Hence, in coordination with MoH and Medical universities, about 500,000 special patients like patients with hemophilia, patients on dialysis and chemotherapy have been screened to receive health kits including 10 masks and 250cc disinfectant lotions. At the first stage, 2,377,000 masks and lotions have been distributed among the patients in 25 provinces throughout the country.

The IRCS is also looking for resources to implement livelihood project such as distribution of food parcels among the people who has no income and support to alleviate their sufferings and meet their basic needs. 6000 food parcels have been distributed so far among the most vulnerable people in 6 provinces for the first phase of the IRCS plan.

Please refer to the needs specified in tables as per attached.


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